Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ahh Pinterest...

For those of you who don't know what Pinterest is, let me enlighten you.  It's a website where you create your own "boards" and "pin" random things from the world wide web onto them.  It's kind of like bookmarking different websites all in one place that you can share with your followers.  It sounds a little strange until you start it and then you waste a few hours pinning things and realize, "Holy Cow, I started doing this three hours ago!"  Some may view this as a waste of time...I happen to love it!

Anywho, I have several boards and one that is entitled Quotes...original I know.  Despite my lack of creativity in naming my boards I have come across some pretty awesome things, one of which is...

I think this quote was made for me...I'm always looking for something...when maybe I should realize how happy I am with my life in the present.   I'm vowing to myself to make this more of a habit, find what makes me happy and simply be happy with it.

On a completely different note, I am kind of up in the air on how this blog should function.  I love writing whatever I want to but I feel like I don't actually write frequently enough...hmm who really I'm going to try to mix up writing about things that weigh on me and things that I enjoy.  I know not everyone enjoys what I do so if you're not interested in a post...skip it! ;)

So kind of a random post but ooo well! Enjoy what is to come :))

PS If you are on Pinterest and are interested in following me you can at 

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